Tag Archives: me

Hello world!


Finally getting around to this blog of mine! With two jobs here and there, its sometimes tough to get a project like this one started…or any type of project started. Here it goes…



Anyone and anybody who has kids and has to work know the feeling of routine. Wake up super early for the 4 am- to 1 pm work schedule, hurry back home to start wash any dirty dishes, do little projects here and there, and then to start dinner. Go pick up the princess from school or prince. Feed them, wash the dishes again, take the princess back to school for band or what not. ETC…etc. Day in and day out, week after week, it continues for years.



I love my little girl and there ain’t a thing I wouldn’t do for her, so don’t get me wrong. But…after a while…a long while this stuff gets old. Some of my nicknames that my little girl has come up over time for me are; Daddy Chef, Daddy Dishwasher, Daddy Butler, Daddy Driver and the list goes on.

So I start to thinking; not really, dreaming…what if I am a big  Chef (like the one in the Little Mermaid) while I’m cooking or some gardener in a jungle while I’m out growing vegetables.

Why not! It would be fun and entertaining at the same time.

So I did! I pretended I was this big bad Chef and soon enough the “routine” in my life was broken! I just didn’t cook and I just wasn’t a cook…I was The Chef of the house! I was having fun doing the daily chores of the house, inside and outside!



My little princess noticed right away the difference in my cooking (children always do) and was thrilled of my idea that she came up with a new name for me while I was cooking.

“Chef-Chef!” She would shout from down the hallway to see if her breakfast was ready or if dinner would be on time! “Or maybe she called me twice to get my daydreaming soul down to earth again?” Either way, those two words has ringed in my head for many years since she was little.



I owe many big cookbooks from all over the world and these days I have taken them out to get a few ideas here and there.

My plates got better as the days went by, not only in taste, but in presentation as well. No longer was the plates plain, but breakfast was filled with happy faces and designs. The fish for dinner was not just a fish, but it was “a tasty Salmon steak spiced up with herbs and what not with a splash of lemon zest. Dressed up with asparagus as whiskers and half lemons as eyes. “Yum-yum” was what I heard!

I had changed with my daydreaming and pretending. My outdoor projects became works of art that people enjoy seeing and …sorry, that is a different blog.



Now that the years have gone by and my little girl has grown up, she tells me to start this and that to show other folks. She thinks someone might find the work I do interesting. I guess there is always someone out there who “just for an instance” might find a thing or two interesting in the things I do. Who might be like me, trying to kill a routine or maybe, spice up their lives a little.

For one, I love to BBQ. If you are interested; you can go over to Smoke, fire, spice…I likes That.  A blog about barbecue.



While my intentions was to make this blog about indoor cooking, I have changed that.

“Food is where the heart is” should be about just that.

FOOD! Everything from the nine different counties I have been in…and the many other countries I have not been. It should be about all types of food; indoor and outdoor. It should be about what YOU like to include and share. I don’t mind anyone posting a good recipe or a few and then linking to their site…but, do not advertise here or on this blog about how great this running shoes etc are. Do respect another person’s recipe and background etc, be professional about it. Don’t copy unless you state that the recipe came from so and so. No profanity etc…

Hope to see you around and if you wish to post your own recipe, be my guest. 

You can reach me at kingsreyes2@gmail.com.

Now, for some home cooking…I think I will cook a duck? Or a turkey?

Who knows!? What I do know, is as Chef of the House; I can cook anything my heart desires! After-all… “I am Chef-Chef!  The Chef of the house!”

By the way, my name is Kings Reyes Chapa.

Kings is my penmanship’s name, but Reyes is my God given name. It is a name for Family and Friends…Hope You will call me that in the end.


FOOD IS WHERE THE HEART IS…IT IS HERE, hope to see you here soon.
